
The End of Innocence

On September 10th, 2001, I awoke with butterflies in my stomach.  I knew I had to make a change in my life.

On September 10th, 2001, I was still considering myself a "music major" but after one week of classes in my 2nd year at college I knew that was going to have to change and change fast.

On September 10th, 2001, I drove to campus and made an appointment with an academic adviser.  I hadn't talked to my parents yet, but I knew I would have to after the actions I was taking were set in motion.

On September 10th, 2001, I had an entire new schedule planned and left school knowing the next day I would return and get the signatures necessary from professors allowing myself to be transferred into their classes - becoming a Communications Major.

On September 10th, 2001, I worked a shift at my library gig, loving that I could work my schedule around various activities I had in the evenings.

On September 10th, 2001, I drove back to campus to go to the first sorority meeting of the year.

On September 10th, 2001, my good friend Stef and I were elected as Sisters Chair/Inner Sorority Advisers to our sorority - something we had been wanting very badly since the year before.

On September 10th, 2001, I drove home in the dark, nervously and hoping my parents were still up so I could talk to them about my proposed change in major.

On September 10th, 2001, my parents and I sat down and had one of the most adult and level-headed conversations I think we ever had while I was growing up.  I talked, they listened.  They questioned, I answered.  We came to a happy agreement that I was making the right decision even if I was losing my music scholarship.  They were still proud of me.

On September 10th, 2001, I went to bed feeling a huge weight lifted from my shoulders and feeling relieved and excited about college again.  I felt nothing else could go wrong or stand in my way.

On September 11th, 2001, I woke up and turned on the TV.  And from that moment on, while I would still remember them, the events of September 10th, 2001 became the most insignificant and piddly things ever.

More musings on the 9/11 anniversary coming tomorrow

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