
Going off the rails on a Crazy Train

"Crazy, but that's how it goes" - Crazy Train, Black Sabbath

No I'm not a heavy metal fan - but this song kind of describes my life at the moment! We're at just under two weeks now to our Oktoberfest celebration and I'm nervous about things getting done. The bar is nearly ready - but listening to my dad and Nate talk I'm not 100% certain it will all be finished, but I'm hopeful. I know they are working hard on it. It's looking good though, as evidenced by this picture:

We had a busy weekend with our family golf tournament - I did not take last place again and neither did Nate! Hurray! It rained on us a bit in the beginning of the day, but it improved a bit as we kept going. We made jokes that it was all of our family members up in heaven playing a joke on us - which would be just like some of them. Ha ha.

Mom and I braving the rain

Nate spent all of Sunday brewing another batch of beer to hopefully have ready for the party and he also cleaned some kegs to put this beer and one other batch that's ready into.
This week Nate starts a drawing class on Wednesday evenings. I'm glad he is doing something like this for himself. I plan to finish our living room painting project tonight. I have two doorways to paint and that is it. It will be DONE.
My head is a bit swimmy at the moment just because of all the things I have to do and as Ozzy sings "I'm going off the rails on a crazy train" a bit right now. But I know it's all going to be worth it in the end!

1 comment:

Gina said...

It will be worth it in the end! I can't wait to see the finished bar. That's a cute picture of you and your mom.