

Wow, I am so glad I'm not having to post every day right now - I have been lacking ideas and motivation to do so!

Even today is going to mostly just be babbles from me.

My week has been a bit of a fog actually. I blame that on having my whole schedule kind of disrupted in the fact that I have to go to my parents a couple of times a day to feed and take care of Cleo. She's doing fine though - she misses them I think, but she's eating good and that makes me happy. She's warmed up to me quite nicely too, in fact, she actually sat on my lap today!

I have heard from them a couple of times - apparently it is quite cold there for Florida, it hasn't been warmer than 60 since they've been there and they've even warn their winter coats a bit. My dad even cancelled his golf game - why would you want to golf in 29 degree weather in the morning? You could almost do that here. I have been told there are "stories"; due to traveling with 17 other people, I suppose that is expected. But they have had a nice time in spite of those issues.

I'm very happy to have figured out most all of my gifts for people now, since my last post on that subject I did some brainstorming and I am pretty excited about what I have come up with. I'm finding I'm having a much easier time getting into a Christmas spirit than I did last year - I do not know what it was about last year, but I struggled a bit. This year, so far, I'm feeling good.

I have my yearly physical today. They wanted me to do a fasting lab (check cholesterol and stuff, I'm young, but apparently it's never too early) but that was not happening with the appointment being at 3:00 in the afternoon. I'll have to reschedule that portion which is fine with me, I wasn't looking forward to being poked today. I hate blood draws - they do not ever go well for me.

A pleasant surprise - or maybe more of an embarrassment - I have discovered I have more time off banked right now than I know what to do with. I'm sure my HR people think I was hoarding it. The problem is, it was never explained well to me that the hours carry over to next year that are not used, while you are still accruing NEW hours. And it wasn't until this year that I really used my time off to my advantage. And now starting January 1st our maximum amount that you can accrue in a year is being lowered and I'm very, VERY close to the capping point where I'll stop earning new hours - YIKES! So, I'm opting to take the week between Christmas and New Year's off for now and will definitely look at using some time off next summer too. It is unfortunate that Nate does not get more time off in a year - but I'm sure I'll fill that week with some fun things. Anyone else off during that time and want to hang out? Let me know!

So there you go. That's pretty much where I am at today. Guess I haven't done one of these in awhile, so I was probably due!


Gina said...

I wish I was off during that time frame! I would totally hang out with you, but that is our busiest time of the year! Have fun!!!

Jes said...

We will totally hang out and have fun that week!!

Mrs. Schrader said...

I'm off over Christmas break and Elsa and I would love to see you.