
If you've never been here before

I realized after posting a link to my blog here on Facebook I may have gained some new readers and thought now might be a good time to just re-introduce the old blog here to those who may not have been reading this entire time and don't want to scroll through the last year and a half's worth of posts! To my regular readers, bear with me for this one. :)

This is basically my outlet to ramble on my life and to keep friends and family updated on the various things that my husband Nate and I are involved in. Most of it is positive, however there is the occasional rant post, such as the one prior to this one. I pretty much just love to write, so this gives me an outlet to do that. We have two sub-blogs as well that Nate sort of helps me write when we have the time - Nate and Beth Eat Stuff (a restaurant review blog) and The Fun Couple's Guide to the Twin Cities (reviews of activities in the Metro area).

We've been married three and a half years and right now our only children are our two cats Taylor and Pippin. We enjoy spending time with family and friends and both participate in a traveling Catholic music group. Nate enjoys homebrewing beer and I'm trying a couple of new hobbies this year - crochet with my sister-in-law and decoupage with my mom. Other than that we take life a day at a time and it's always a new adventure.

So, if you are a new reader, you are now caught up and I hope you'll keep coming back here and also check out the links to some of my friend's blogs on the sidebar as well as some blogs I find entertaining (yes several of them are Muppet related - I'm a rather large fan). And always feel free to leave a comment in the comment area, I love hearing from readers!

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