
Boring rambles

Warning - rather boring, rambly post ahead. You can turn back now if you want!

We didn't have a terribly exciting weekend. Nate's fighting a cold and I'm fighting that lovely syndrome known as "being a woman" (sorry to any dudes, I'm a girl, deal with it). So between the two of us we have been pretty "blah" for the last few days!

On Sunday I did get out of the house for a little bit and visited my friend Stef and her new baby Annabel. We had a nice afternoon catching up a bit. Since I was already most of the way to White Bear, I also ran over and picked up Donatelli's for Nate and I to enjoy for dinner. We hadn't been there in awhile so that was awesome. We watched a movie while we ate that and then after that I watched the Oscars which I thought were kind of lame this year. I was happy with who won, but the show itself was kind of "meh." I'm beyond thrilled that my Muppets took home the award for Best Original song though!

Otherwise we're going one day at a time and hoping to be feeling better soon. I'm excited for coming events - we're going to a bed and breakfast in Duluth in about a month so that's exciting and then we are hopefully going to Itasca with a bunch of people in Nate's family in August - just found out that the plans are in the works for that and I really hope it works out, I've been missing Itasca. I told Nate the other day if this all works out, then this year we'll visit both of my favorite places in the world - Duluth and Itasca. Is it sad that my favorite places in the world are just about in my own backyard? I'm a simple minded girl I guess.

I can't believe it's already just about March. Feels like time is moving kind of fast these days. It could slow down a bit, I'd be ok with that.

As I often say, on we go.

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