
Just a shorty post

We made it through an entire week back at running! It was looking a little close towards the end of the week here, I wasn't sure if we were going to make it with the weather, but fortunately the rain held off this morning and we managed to squeeze it in. Next week is looking like it may start out shaky weather wise, but we will do the best we can. We're back and it feels great.

We have a rare weekend ahead of us with very little going on. Of course we're filling it up with projects at home that I blogged about earlier this week, but that is just the way life goes sometimes. I am most excited about going on a date with my husband tomorrow night. Since our experience at Vic's was less than pleasant this week and we have a Saturday night totally free we're going out to one of our favorite restaurants that we haven't actually been to in quite awhile. We'll also probably watch a movie and just relax for a change. I can't say that is a bad thing at all!

Happy weekend everyone!


Gina said...

Oh where are you guys going to go? I love date nights!!

Jes said...

I'm so glad that you two have such an enjoyable weekend ahead of you - home projects and all! You deserve it :)