
Tell me again it's worth it

Man oh man - I'm beginning to wonder if refinancing is worth it.

We just learned we have to fix a bunch of areas where there is loose and peeling paint before we have our appraisal inspection or we won't be approved for the loan.

Has anyone ever seen our garage door?

On the plus side, I guess some quick touch ups will make things look a little better on the house.

I keep seeing the numbers I was quoted and I know it will be worth it. I just hate the feeling of being rushed suddenly to get all of this done! Fortunately the rates are staying good, let's hope they stay good for another couple of weeks...


Gina said...

It's worth it!!! Just keep repeating to yourself that the lower monthly payment is worth it. Plus with getting the outside stuff done you will have even more curb appeal! If anything this might work out to your advantage because the percentage rates are still falling!

Jes said...

It will be worth it!