

You know it's funny, sometimes I think we take for granted the people around us and in our lives when life is normal and nothing is wrong. But then in times of crisis or sadness we come to realize how important these people are and how special and blessed we are to have them in our lives.

I have been touched and humbled at the outpouring of support from my friends and my parents friends in the days leading up to my grandmother's funeral. I've received kind messages and notes from people and I know there are individuals rallying around and helping my parents in ways that just amaze me. It is so nice to know we are blessed to know so many wonderful beings that we can count on and lean on.

I now vow to try and not take these folks for granted ever, because they are all giving more than I could ever think possible and I hope to return the favor someday.

The next couple of days I expect will pass by quickly and probably in a bit of a blur. I'm ready to say our final farewells and then I'll admit, I'm kind of ready for life to get back to normal as well. Although what exactly does normal mean? Might be best not to know!


Jes said...

This is a very beautiful post. I am very blessed to have you in my life! Hugs to you and your family, and may you all have all the strength you need for the journey this week and on! And then on to whatever 'normal' next week brings ;)

Mrs. Schrader said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma. If there is anything I could do for you please just let me know. Virtual Hugs!!!