
This Man

Nate at Gina's wedding in April
Credit for the picture goes to my good friend Justine
Today I would like to dedicate an entire post to half of the duo who make up this blog, even if he does not actually author any of the entries.
It is not our anniversary, it is not a special day, though we do have birthdays next week. But last night I was thinking about all the reasons I love this man.
This man who when I came home from a late Parish Council meeting last night tired and worn out from having gotten up so early for my Cities 97 City Sampler offered to feed the cats (usually I feed them, he does litter box duty), get my coffee ready for today and put my wet laundry in the dryer so that I could just take a bath and go to bed.
This man who when our shower decided to back itself up this morning looked up some info online so he can hopefully fix it himself over the weekend therefore saving us money.
This man who is still a gentleman after all this time we've been together, opening doors for me, letting me go first.
This man who cooked dinner almost every night he was out of work so I could come home and not have to deal with it. And now shares the cooking duties with me now that he is working.
This man who never asks questions if I am feeling down or am in a bad mood, instead just simply opens his arms for a hug.
This man who values my opinion and wants to find things to match my tastes too when it comes to brewing his beer.
This man who listens to me and lets me rant and rave when things are bothering me or stressing me out.
This man who knows when something is bothering me even before I know that it is.
This man who gives me control of the remote most of the time and also control over our Netflix queue.
This man who cleaned off my car one morning when he was leaving for work earlier than me as he hurridly cleaned off his own.
This man who I know loves me unconditionally just in the way he says my name, smiles at me, squeezes my hand when we're walking through a store, winks at me from his pew when I'm singing at church, and other small gestures along those lines.
This man who I know would do anything to make me happy and gives all of himself to making our marriage what it is.
This man that I love more than anything in the world.
I could go on and on but it would probably continue to get sappier. But to my husband of 2 1/2 years I say on this non special day that I love you for the person you are and the person you've helped me become. Happy early birthday my love.

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